4/19/2022 SPEAKER | Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations leadership development meeting - Telling the whole story: Sustainability at
Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations
4/13/2022 SPEAKER | Coulee Region Volunteer Coordinators monthly meeting - What's your story? Connecting the dots to
6/17/2021 FACILITATOR | Virtual Sustainability Curriculum Colloquium - Joyful learning: Using playful pedagogy to address our most pressing sustainability problems.
4/21/2021 SPEAKER | Interfaith Leaders Coalition Community Conversation Series, La Crosse - Climate change: Current trends and what we can do about it.
4/1/2021 PRESENTER | US Play Coalition 2021 Virtual Conference - Play like our world depends on it: Using playfulness to engage others in the climate emergency.
11/6/2020 PRESENTER | Professors at Play virtual Playposium - Playing with fire: Framing principles of a playful pedagogy for teaching and learning about serious things.
10/21/2020 PRESENTER | Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education - The union of the preposterous: Playfully
engaging with climate change.
11/06/2019 HOST | 4th Annual Community Resilience Symposium, La Crosse
04/15/2019 SPEAKER | Monday Mornings at Main Speaker Series - Climate change in the Driftless: What is happening and what can
we do about it?
11/07/2018 HOST | 3rd Annual Community Resilience Symposium, La Crosse
02/06/2018 PANELIST | Higher Education Climate Leadership Summit, Tempe, AZ - Campuses role-modeling and preparing
students for a just and sustainable economy
06/03/2017 KEYNOTE | Regional Phi Theta Kappa Leadership Conference, La Crosse - The octopus in the parking garage:
Rethinking how we think about and respond to global climate change
04/08/2013 PANELIST | Reaching day zero: Living sustainably at Bowdoin and beyond (Brunswick, ME)